852694 |
খবর |
Kinne Aye Kinne Gye 2 (Full Video) | Ranjit Bawa | lovely Noor | Latest Punjabi Songs 2021 |
YouTube |
Ranjit Bawa |
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2025-03-01 14:52:56 |
2021-05-02 12:29:54 |
Kinne Aye Kinne Gye 2 Ranjit Bawa Songs Noor |
-16740 |
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870026 |
Malaysia |
Pertama Masuk Kuliah, Mahasiswi Ini Langsung Viral Gegara Charger Laptop - Suara.com |
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2025-01-23 22:20:30 |
2021-12-03 16:09:15 |
Pertama Masuk Kuliah Mahasiswi Ini Langsung Viral Gegara Charger Antarabangsa |
-69540 |
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867232 |
Malcolm Turnbull 💉💉:Clash with US and France is a politico-diplomatic disaster for Morrison |
Ian Sampson:@TurnbullMalcolm The trouble with self investing AH like you is self promotion comes before all else! Morrison has… |
West Australia |
Twitter |
Ian Sampson@eurosammy |
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2025-01-23 22:04:31 |
2021-11-02 23:22:54 |
Morrison has promotion comes before all else self investing |
-69540 |
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861409 |
La journaliste qui avait interviewé le porte-parole des Talibans fuit l'Afghanistan |
Sephique:Pas sur que le présentateur soit heureux dêtre rester.Dur de comprendre le message des Talibans armes aux poings, prêt a tirer, sur un plateau télé. |
YouTubeComment |
Sephique |
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2025-01-23 21:14:42 |
2021-08-31 20:21:00 |
poings dêtre soit heureux Pas sur que présentateur journaliste |
-69600 |
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858718 |
まつり:REQUEST @arashi5official @MTV #FridayLivestreamARASHI is inspiring.嵐 💌 カイト 💄 IN THE SUMMER 💋 ファイトソング 💌 僕が僕のすべて… |
Twitter |
まつり@ouenshitaineko |
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2025-01-23 20:11:39 |
2021-08-10 17:26:35 |
REQUEST カイト arashi5official MTV FridayLivestreamARASHI ファイトソング is inspiring |
-69660 |
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870025 |
Malaysia |
Malaysia berencana buka perbatasan internasional di bulan Desember - Internasional Kontan |
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2025-01-23 17:41:43 |
2021-12-03 16:09:15 |
Internasional Kontan berencana buka perbatasan internasional di bulan Antarabangsa |
-69840 |
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867009 |
COP26 climate talks off to an ominous start after weak G20 leaders meeting - CNN |
Glenn Greenwald:If someone said I had to choose one tweet as a museum exhibit to illustrate the rot of modern-day corporate media,… |
GlennGreenwald@gmail.com |
Twitter |
Glenn Greenwald@ggreenwald |
14010 |
11117 |
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0.79 |
2025-01-23 17:32:18 |
2021-11-01 15:35:56 |
If someone exhibit illustrate the rot modern-day meeting |
-69840 |
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870666 |
Deutschland |
Japan und Deutschland: Gemeinsames Übungsmanöver im Pazifik - tagesschau.de |
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2025-01-23 17:31:05 |
2021-12-04 16:09:35 |
Gemeinsames bungsmanöver im Pazifik tagesschau.de Japan |
-69840 |
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870027 |
Malaysia |
100 Universitas Islam Terbaik di dunia, Nomor Satu ada di Indonesia Lho - detikNews |
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2025-01-23 17:24:25 |
2021-12-03 16:09:15 |
detikNews Nomor Satu ada di Indonesia Lho Universitas Islam Antarabangsa |
-69840 |
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862041 |
ព័ត៌មាន |
With dozens dead and rescue efforts ongoing, NYC mayor calls Ida flooding a major wakeup call - CNN |
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2025-01-23 10:45:53 |
2021-09-03 15:06:57 |
ongoing call CNN NYC mayor calls Ida flooding |
-70260 |
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