866470 |
Kaze your quality, beautiful arrangements, attention to detail, excitement, excellent voice, creativity, and uniqueness is so reminicent of Michael Jackson. I also love your incorporation of so many genres in your music. Keep up the great work! |
Tatsuhisha©:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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2025-01-11 05:03:19 |
2021-10-25 20:21:00 |
Tatsuhisha 垃圾 Live-HDRcam 再編 人参 Heavy Sex Hot.snapgirls まさか Kaze |
-89580 |
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868586 |
News |
Democrats delay Build Back Better vote after GOP leader stalls with record, hourslong speech - NBC News |
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2025-01-11 04:58:35 |
2021-11-19 19:29:18 |
record hourslong speech stalls with Democrats delay Build Back |
-89580 |
1 |
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864217 |
Democrats warn of canary in the coal mine for Latino voters in California recall - NBC News |
Occupy Democrats:BREAKING: Three moderate “Democrats” vote down Pelosi’s legislation to lower drug prices in a vital House Committee… |
United States |
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Occupy Democrats@OccupyDemocrats |
18356 |
8944 |
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-0.03 |
0.49 |
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2025-01-11 04:56:57 |
2021-09-16 11:53:28 |
Democrats Three moderate vote down Pelosi’s legislation to lower |
-89580 |
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866840 |
Trump wants to shield documents from Capitol Riot investigators - New York Post |
Texas Tribune:During a 2020 Texas highway confrontation between a “Trump Train” and a Biden campaign bus, Democrats asked San Mar… |
Austin, Texas |
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Texas Tribune@TexasTribune |
9901 |
6343 |
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2025-01-11 04:55:47 |
2021-10-31 17:51:54 |
Trump Train Democrats asked San Mar and Biden |
-89580 |
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863626 |
#VMAs |
MTV NEWS:Congratulations to @BTS_twt for winning Group of the Year at this years #VMAs! 💜 |
Twitter;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E_H2B1xXIAAxQgX.jpg |
27321 |
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2025-01-10 23:30:19 |
2021-09-13 09:42:31 |
BTS_twt years VMAs winning Group Congratulations to Year at |
-89880 |
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864319 |
ព័ត៌មាន |
‘Study Newsom’s playbook’: what Democrats – and Republicans – can learn from California’s recall - The Guardian |
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2025-01-10 23:29:50 |
2021-09-16 13:23:03 |
from California’s recall what Democrats can learn and Republicans |
-89880 |
2 |
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861862 |
NHK生活・防災:新しい1万円札の印刷が始まりました肖像には #青天を衝け で #吉沢亮 さんが演じる渋沢栄一が描かれています2024年度の発行を予定している新一万円札、偽造防止や目に障害がある人たちの識別などのため、いろんな工夫がされて… |
TY:@nhk_seikatsu 派手でカラフルでそこはかとなく漂う、何か違うというか違和感というかコレジャナイ感…偽造防止は当然のことながら、目の障害を持っている方にも使いやすいように、というのは良いことだと思う。福沢諭吉先生から変わってしまうのは少々残念だけど。 |
日本 神奈川県 |
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TY@TY1132Altria |
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2025-01-10 17:58:51 |
2021-09-02 15:03:01 |
nhk_seikatsu 福沢諭吉先生 偽造防止 コレジャナイ感 違和感 障害 良いこと |
-90240 |
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864179 |
高須克弥:石破茂氏を支持する人達のメンバー → 高須院長「自民党支持者か?」 @sharenewsjapan1から |
さんぽ:@katsuyatakasu @sharenewsjapan1 本当ならあっちの人達ばかりだね |
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さんぽ@eric06681801 |
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2025-01-09 23:19:36 |
2021-09-15 14:32:01 |
katsuyatakasu @sharenewsjapan 人達 |
-91320 |
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866693 |
山添 拓:自民・甘利氏「私がいなければ日本は立ちゆかない。経済界は全員わかっている。関係官界、優秀な教授陣はわかっている。でも世の中の人がほとんどがわかっていない」多くの人がわかっている。甘利氏が現金授受・口利き疑惑について、なんら説明… |
ハーフムーン:@pioneertaku84 @kotarotatsumi 一番いろんなことがわかってないのは、甘利さん本人じゃないか🤣 |
大阪府高槻市 |
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ハーフムーン@halfmoon1995 |
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2025-01-09 23:18:04 |
2021-10-30 09:37:46 |
kotarotatsumi pioneertaku84 甘利さん本人 |
-91320 |
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859020 |
News |
Biden dismisses GOP threats to not cooperate with Democrats on debt ceiling - Business Insider |
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2025-01-09 06:04:56 |
2021-08-12 18:46:02 |
Biden dismisses GOP Business Insider threats to not cooperate |
-92400 |
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