861332 |
Taliban |
Donald Trump Jr.:The same government that released the names of thousands of Americans trapped behind terrorist lines in Afghanistan… |
Twitter |
Donald Trump Jr.@DonaldJTrumpJr |
57849 |
45497 |
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2025-01-23 10:34:46 |
2021-08-31 12:21:03 |
Afghanistan trapped behind terrorist lines The same government that |
-73560 |
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861333 |
Taliban |
Bruno Maçães:President Biden, two days ago you said you were working closely together with the Taliban on security. Today a US a… |
✉ brunomacaes@substack.com |
Twitter |
Bruno Maçães@MacaesBruno |
23321 |
17651 |
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0.51 |
0.76 |
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2025-01-23 10:35:13 |
2021-08-31 12:21:03 |
President Biden two days ago you said were |
-73560 |
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861334 |
Taliban |
Lara Logan:If anyone is not paying att, the one thing you need to know about what is happening now in Afghanistan that will ex… |
Twitter |
Lara Logan@laralogan |
23385 |
15628 |
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0.34 |
0.67 |
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2024-05-16 15:25:23 |
2021-08-31 12:21:03 |
ex If anyone is not paying att the one |
-436140 |
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861340 |
Taliban |
Luv Social Work 🇮🇳:@rawat00001 @DeptofDefense @82ndABNDiv @18airbornecorps @usairforce Having USA its full presence with intelligence… |
Twitter |
Luv Social Work 🇮🇳@DHRUBA1963 |
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2025-01-10 01:58:45 |
2021-08-31 12:23:03 |
intelligence DeptofDefense usairforce Having 18airbornecorps 82ndABNDiv rawat00001 USA its |
-92760 |
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861335 |
Taliban |
Fahim Hashimi:If the Taliban catch a robbery, they will cut off his hand. Lets see what they do about Mohammad Ashraf Ghani. Wil… |
Twitter |
Fahim Hashimi@FahimHashimi19 |
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2024-05-18 01:22:30 |
2021-08-31 12:21:56 |
Wil they will Lets see what cut off his |
-434100 |
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861336 |
Taliban |
Nikhil Kharoo:This is how The United States of America started and ended its journey in Afghanistan and with the Taliban. The two… |
Singapore |
Twitter |
Nikhil Kharoo@nkharoo |
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2024-05-18 01:22:30 |
2021-08-31 12:21:56 |
Taliban The two This is how United States |
-434100 |
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861337 |
Taliban |
Fred Cheek:Oct. 19,2001 the US with just 12 men and 1500 Afghan fighters started the war. In just a few months they had taken… |
Little Rock, AR |
Twitter |
Fred Cheek@FredCheek |
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2025-01-19 22:11:22 |
2021-08-31 12:21:56 |
they had taken Afghan fighters started the In just |
-78600 |
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861338 |
Taliban |
CCTV Asia Pacific:🎙#Taliban welcomes complete withdrawal of U.S. troops from #Afghanistan as its spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said o… |
Hong Kong |
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CCTV Asia Pacific@CCTVAsiaPacific |
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2025-01-23 10:33:09 |
2021-08-31 12:23:03 |
troops Taliban welcomes complete withdrawal Afghanistan as its spokesman |
-73560 |
1 |
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861339 |
Taliban |
Bhaskar Live:Rest in peace U.S. Marine Sgt. Nicole Gee, 23 years old#KabulAiport #KabulAirportBlast #ISIS #kabulblast #Taliban… |
Bhopal |
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Bhaskar Live@bhaskarlivein |
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2025-01-24 01:17:12 |
2021-08-31 12:23:03 |
Nicole Gee years oldKabulAiport KabulAirportBlast ISIS kabulblast Taliban Rest |
-72660 |
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861342 |
Taliban |
Scanman0@yahoo.com: Biden at soldiers coffins.Taliban offers US to control Kabul. |
Twitter |
Scanman0@yahoo.com@scanman0 |
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2024-05-18 01:22:35 |
2021-08-31 12:24:27 |
Biden at soldiers coffins.Taliban offers US to control Kab |
-434100 |
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