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875908 What so many fail to realize about the SEC is how deep and old the rivalries of the core teams are. This is what has always made the conference schedule so competitive. With the exceptions of Kentucky and Vanderbilt, no one in the SEC was ever safe on Sat John Taylor:Stan Dupp,You are smart man and to keep my words in the south and being an above average athlete myself...GA, TX, FL & Calf just means more!! YouTubeReply John Taylor:Stan Dupp,You are smart man and to keep my words in the south and being an above average athlete myself...GA, TX, FL & Calf  just means more!! John Taylor 1 1 1 1 1.00 1.00 2024-05-16 07:54:53 2022-01-02 20:22:00 myself Calf short FL TX GA Stan Dupp just Michigan -437820 View
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